Friday 14 September 2007

I got tagged...

Toni Snell sent me this little "8 things about you game" yesterday afternoon- it is something that she has been playing with her photographer colleagues, and has sent it onto me.

So all of you regular viewers of my blog site- can now have a little insight about me.

8 Things you didn't know about me....

1.Because my dad use to be in the Army- and we moved around a lot- I went to 11 schools in 12 years!

2. My first car was a safety yellow Laser- that was so reliable, I kept lollies and entertainment in the glove box.

3.I was with my (now) husband for 9 years before he asked me to marry him! ( he had to make sure?)

4. I use to dress up as “Koko” the clown for kids birthday parties at Hungry Jacks.

5.Even though I am a professionally trained chef- and worked in a 5 star hotel for 8.5 years- I am addicted to Milo, and sugary breakfast cereals!

6.I took my little sister (Alex- who is 12 years younger than me) to Disneyland for her 9th Birthday- on my own!

7.Despite my uncontrollable out breaks of laughter- I am yet to wet myself!

8.As a teenager- I once rode my bike to the local shops, and walked home. When I got up in the morning- I thought my bike was stolen- reported it to the local police- who found it left at the shops!

I don't know if the people I tag will answer- but they do have fantastic cupcakes,

So the challenge is sent to the girls at Cupcakes take the cake!

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